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Generation of specific information on vulnerability and risks, adaptation and guidelines for updating Chile’s National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NAP)

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) through its Readiness program has granted resources to Chile for the update of the NAP. The present consultancy, included within the activities approved by the GCF, advanced in covering part of the gaps and needs identified in the evaluation of the first NAP (2014), generating different products, which are summarized below: 1) assessment of vulnerability and risks of indigenous peoples to climate change and proposal of adaptation measures through a participatory process; 2) guidelines for the incorporation of the disaster risk approach in climate change adaptation plans in Chile; 3) guidelines for the construction of gender responsive adaptation solutions; 4) guidelines for the incorporation of nature-based solutions and water security in adaptation plans and other instruments in Chile; and 5) elaboration of adaptation guidelines for the elaboration of Regional Climate Change Action Plans (PARCC) and Communal Climate Change Action Plans in Chile (PACCC). Project carried out jointly with the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (“Temporary Union of Suppliers”).

Client: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), prepared for the Ministry of the Environment (MMA).