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Climate change projections for precipitation, temperature, snowfall and streamflow variables

Estimates of precipitation, temperatures, snow water equivalent (SWE) and flow rates under climate change conditions were made for the Talabre area (Salar de Atacama), Antofagasta region. First, the historical time series of monthly precipitation and temperature (bias correction), derived from the integration of the information from the DGA stations and the CR2MET product, were generated for each selected station. The next step is the selection of the general circulation models (GCMs), from the 27 CMIP6 models containing the precipitation and mean temperature variables, at daily resolution, for the historical and future period (SSP5-8.5), for which the spatial resolution of the GCMs and CR2METv2.0 (with corrected biases) was adjusted and an evaluation of the historical performance and change projections was performed. Flows were generated from fitting two models (GR2M and ARIMAX) and observed data in the area.

Client: ICA Geoconsultants